
Screw it, lessons learned and other happy songs

These songs sing about me all the time. Take my students: Those little angels found my nest of chocolate and made good work. I bought a good 20 dollar bag and mistakingly left it in my closet in the english room i teach in. There are several students who clean that room after school when I am gone. These same intelectually driven philosophers took no time to make short work of that bag i had saved up for the less chocolate lusty, more participate in class type students who had to work hard to get that chocolate: they had to speak in my class in front of 30 odd peers in a classroom rooted in a society which sees the teacher as the sunlight and the students the maggots crawling around silently. What a chore for them! Anyway, back to the choloate fiends; guess what they did to my bag of chocolate? A rabid pack of monkeys would be harder pressed to lick clean a jar of peanuts any better than my students did my chocolate pouch.
I got the criminals to confess; but only partially. They bought me some more chocolate (not nearly enough to cover my losses) and I grabbed each by the arm and said: you're a bad boy!
I can almost hear Arnie scrambling to get me to fix his California prison system as I write this entry.

The next song will be about how a love struck Don Juan tied the apple of his eye to a desk with her shoelaces forcing me to untie her (wasting ten minutes) all the while new students coming in for the next class. And dammit, it was the after i clipped my nails! I found and scolded the boy. But that was nothing: Korean punishment at schools is no Sally meets Daisy type picnic. Later, he had to do pushups with his elbows in what I call "the fun room" with a scary looking ajoshi (older man form of address in Korean) counting the beads of sweat on the boy's back among other things.

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